2018 is when it first punched me in the face.
Those acrid emotions I'd ignored finally boiled over. Anxiety is patient, waiting years to finally pour itself all over your life. There were hospital visits. There were sleepless nights and days where I didn't eat. I began to fear doing even the most basic things like showering or grocery shopping. It was panic paralysis. Living took a sabbatical, replaced by what could only be described as surviving. Many of you out there know what I mean.
Finding solace in my art, I was able to pull myself out of the mire by drawing the monsters and dark things that might keep me up at night. It was a slow process of relearning how to live again.
Then the pandemic hit.
The whole world had anxiety. Everyone seemed in a panic. I know I was. So again I receded into my art, replacing anxiety and panic with drawings.
It is my way of punching back.
- Book measures 6x9"
- 138 pages
- The cover is printed on a heavy matte cover stock (12pt C1s)
- The inside of the book is printed on heavy stock (80lb matte) paper in black and white
- Softcover (perfect bound)